

The user model represents all the users in the store. The store can have different types of users depending on the roles assigned to them. The two main roles are admin and the user where the admin is the store manager whereas, the user is any customer. For more details on roles see the Roles section.

The important attributes of the user model are:

  • first_name: the first name of the user.
  • last_name: the last name of the user.
  • email: email with which the user has signed up.
  • password_hash: password hash for the user password.

User Relationships:

  • belongs to role: Associates a role with the user.

To see other attributes of the user model see, User.

Modules for handling the business logic for user model.


The role model plays an important part in implementing authorization for the store using an approach similar to RBAC(Role Based Access Control).

The role model has the following attributes:

  • name: name of the role.
  • description: description of the role.


  • many to many permissions through role_permissions: a set of permissions associated with the role. The relationship is a many to many since the same permission can be associated with many roles. The middle table used for the association is role_permission.

Modules for handling business logic related to role model:

A user who is assigned a particular role will have all the permissions assigned to that particular role. The user with admin role has access to all the actions in the store.


Permissions are basically a set of actions that can be performed on any entity in the system by a user with a particular role.

The permission model has the following attributes:

  • code: a unique string code to identify the permission.
  • description: holds the description for the permission.

Modules for handling business logic related to permission model:


  • has many role_permissions: permission model has many to many relationship with the role model through the middle table role_permissions.

The permissions and roles can be easily configured from the admin panel. However, the actions(controller actions) that needs to be assigned to the permission are at present being handled through the role_manifest.yml. This approach appears to be a little limiting at the moment. But, this is a one-time configuration. We are also looking at other approaches to achieve the functionality.

An association between a permission and a set of controllers actions allows a user with some role having that particular permission to access the associated controller functions.

  user --> has one --> role
  role --> has many --> permissions
  permission --> associated with --> many controllers functions
  user --> can access those controllers functions

In order to create a new association, first of all, a permission needs to be created in the system from the admin panel. Once the permission is created then it can be updated in the role_manifest.yml.


First of all we create a permission with the code "manage_orders" from the admin
panel. The permission can be assigned a set of controller actions in role_manifest.yml
as follows:

--------- role_manifest.yml-------------
- manage_orders:
      - edit
      - create
      - new
      - show
      - list
      - show
      - list

The permission allows to manage everything related to the order but only read
operations related to the product.

After this, we will create a role from the admin panel, let's call it "order_manager"
who manages the order entity. While creating this role it can be assigned the permission "manage_orders".

A user XYZ can then be assigned the role "order_manager" and he can perform
the above-mentioned controller actions.