

Shipment also known as packages are the actual shippable entities of an order that are delivered to the user. The package model represents the shipments in AviaCommerce.

Package or Shipment refers to the same entity, they have been used interchangeably but should be considered the same.

The package model has following attributes:

  • tracking: It is json field which contains information to track the package once, it is shipped.
  • shipping_methods: The ShippingMethods and their estimated costs, the user chooses one of them and the choice is then stored in shipping_method.
  • cost: The shipping cost for the chosen shipping_method.
  • shipping_tax: The shipping tax on this package. This is different from the taxes on the constituent package items.
  • state: The current state of the packages. See Package States for more details.
  • number: A unique string to identify the package.
  • shipped_at: It gives the timestamp at which the package was shipped.


  • belongs to order: Associates the order to which the package belongs.
  • belongs to shipping_method: It associates the preferred Shipping Method chosen for this package by the user, not to be confused with the shipping_methods field.
  • belongs to origin: Associates the Stock Location from which the package would be shipped.
  • belongs to shipping_category: Associates the shipping category.
  • has many items: A package has many package items, see Package Items for details.

Package Creation

To create packages for an order the order is passed through a pipeline. The pipeline is made up of three separate modules.

  • Snitch.Domain.Shipment.default_packages/1: The function takes the order as input and returns a list of potentially shippable packages. It fetches all the stock information (from all stock locations) that is relevant to this order and attempts to fulfill the order separately from each stock location.
  • It takes the list of packages returned from the default_packages and finds the most optimum packages under a set of constraints.

The list of shipments returned from the shipment engine are then passed through a series of splitters to split the packages based on some constraints.
By default there is only one splitter Snitch.Domain.Splitters.Weight.

Package States

The packages also pass through a series of states during the order placement and then processing on the store side. At present the package state machine is very simple and is not triggering any other machines but we are working towards a stable machine that would be able to handle complex transitions along with side effects.

The package states

  • pending: The packages are created initially in this state.
  • processing: Once the order is confirmed by the user or the payment is made the packages are in this stage. During this time the actual package preparation are handled.
  • shipped: The packages are in this state once the admin marks the order as shipped.
  • delivered: The packages are marked as delivered once the actual delivery to the user happens.
graph TD A(pending) -- Confirmation and payment --> B(processing) B(processing) -- Packaging and labelling --> C(shipped) C(shipped) -- shipped to the user --> D(delivered)

Package Items

Every Line Item of the order which can be fulfilled(has enough stock), is shipped as a Package Item in the Package.

The package entity has following attributes:

  • number: It is a UUID to identify the package.
  • state: It identifies the state, the states are fulfilled and deferred.
  • quantity: The number of units (of this item) that are currently “on hand” at the stock location. The package can be shipped only when this becomes equal to the quantity ordered. When the item is immediately fulfilled, this is same as the line_item’s quantity. Otherwise, this is the number of units that are currently “on hand” at the origin stock location.
  • delta: It’s the difference between the quantity and the number of units “on hand”.
  • tax: The tax levied over (or included in) the cost of the line item, as applicable when the line item is sold from the origin stock location.
  • shipping_tax: The sum of all shipping taxes that apply for the shipping of this item from the origin stock location.
  • backordered?: A boolean to check if the package item will fulfill the line item. If it’s set to true then it will be fulfilled in the future. The (parent) package cannot be immediately shipped.


  • belongs to product: Associates the product for which the package item is created.
  • belongs to line Item: Associates the line item from the order.
  • belongs to package: Associates the package in which the item would be shipped.