Order Checkout API


This section deals with the order state transitions during checkout. To advance an order state request needs to be made to the respective API. The sections below explain the complete flow of the order from cart state to confirmed state. To sum up one directional flow in short, the order goes through the following states:

cart —> address —> delivery —> payment —> confirmed

To know more about order state transitions See Order State Machine.

Blank Order

A blank order order is created for a signed in user by making a call to get current order for a user. See Current Order.

In case the user is not signed in, an order is created when a call is made to add the first line item. See Add Line Item.

Add Line Item

To add line items to the order created. See Add Line Item.

Add Address

To add a address to the order created. See Add Address.

Add Shipping Preferences

To add a Shipping Preferences to the order created. See Add Shipping.

Add Payment

To add a payment to the order created. See Add Address.