

Payments in AviaCommerce has been designed in a manner to allow multiple payment methods to be available to choose from during checkout. The logic for payment processing is completely detached from order flow to maintain flexibility in the implementation of the payment processing logic.

To track payments for orders a supertype subtype modelling is used. The payment model stores the details which are usually common for all payment types whereas the type-specific information is stored in the corresponding subtype.

The different subtypes are:

  • cash on delivery
  • hosted payment
  • store credits
  • card

An order can be paid through multiple payment methods. This has been done keeping in mind the functionality for store credits, which gives customers a way to utilize the store credits for payment.

The payments model has the following attributes:

  • slug: A unique identifier to be used while sending the information to the payment gateway for processing. Some gateways report duplicate payments in case a unique identifier is not sent for the payment. This helps maintain the uniqueness.
  • payment_type: A string identifier for the sub-payment type, cod, hosted_payment, card or store credits.
  • amount: The amount to be paid in this payment.
  • state: It tells about the state the payment is in. See Payment States section.

Payment Relationships:

  • belongs to payment_method: It associates the payment method used for making the payment.
  • belongs to order: It associates the order for which the payment was made.

Payment Subtypes

The payment subtypes hold the type-specific details for the payment made. While creating a payment record for an order the subtype record is created along with the payment record. To ensure that a payment record is associated with only of the subtypes a DB level check has been put. The payment type field in the payment record helps identify the type of the payment.

The payment subtypes:

Hosted Payment

Identified by the code hpm.

The attributes of the hosted payment model:

  • transaction_id: A unique identifier for the purchase made, at present, the order number field is used for this.
  • payment_source: The source for the payment, it refers to the gateway being used for the payment made. e.g. Payubiz.
  • raw_response: The entire response from the payment source after the payment is done.


  • belongs to payment: Forms the association with the payment record.

Modules to handle business logic:

Card Payment

Identified by the code ccd.

The attributes of the card payment model:

  • response_code: a string code representing the code usually for success and error.
  • response_message: the response message for the card payment.
  • avs_response: address verification response for the purchase.
  • cvv_response: cvv response for the card.


  • belongs to payment: Forms the association with the payment record.
  • belongs to card: In case the merchant is PCC compliant then the stored card can be associated with the card payment.

Modules to handle business logic:

Cash On Delivery

Identified by the code cod.

The cash on delivery type doesn’t have a dedicated model since all the required fields are present in the payment record.

Store Credits

The store credits are not yet supported. Work is in progress for this.

Update docs once store credits functionality is working.

Payment Methods

Payment methods represent the various options a user can utilize to make payment for an order. They can be configured from the admin panel. All the payment methods are essentially of one of the four main types which are:

  • card payments (gateway based)
  • cash on delivery
  • store credits
  • hosted payments(gateway based)

All the above-mentioned types are supported except, store credits.

The processing logic for a payment method is being handled by a separate elixir library avia_payments.

The payment method model has the following attributes:

  • name: the name which would be shown to the user.
  • code: code to identify the type of the payment. See SnitchPayments.PaymentMethodCode.
  • active?: A boolean to determine whether the payment method is active or not in the latter case it is not shown to the user.
  • live_mode?: A boolean to determine whether testurl or liveurl should be used for the provider.
  • provider: Stores the name of the module which implements the processing logic for handling the transactions. The providers are picked from gateways in SnitchPayments See Payment Method Provider section for more details.
  • preferences: A map to store gateway specific fields of the provider.

Payment Method Provider

The provider field in the payment method model refers to the module that would be used to handle the processing logic.

The provider field is set from a list of providers. The list is exposed by the SnitchPayments.payment_providers.

Payment states

The payment can have various states. The default states of payment are pretty simple which are:

  • pending: The user has not paid for the order fully.
    Successors: failed, success
    Guarantees: Payment method is selected.

  • success: The user has fully paid for the particular payment.

  • failed: The payment did not succeed.

The default payment flow at present is also very simple.

graph TD A(Pending) -- attempt payment --> B(Success) A(Pending) -- attempt payment --> C(Failed)

In future, the state machine is being designed in a manner that potentially every payment type(hosted, cod etc) can have their own payment machine.

Also, payment retry is not being handled at present. In case of a failed payment for an order, a new payment record is created. Payment retry is in pipeline.