

Promotions are an essential part of marketing strategies with in E-Commerce. They are highly responsible for influencing customer spending. Promotions work by providing a discount on orders as well as line items or, by providing extra items for the price of one etc. AviaCommerce at present allows creating promotions based on coupon codes.

Promotion relates to two very important entities rules and actions which control how it would be activated and what would be the side effects of the activation.

When a promotion is applied using a code. A series of checks are performed, see the checks section and then, the actions for it are applied. All the actions getting activated for the promotion create adjustments which are used, to keep a track of the data related to promotion and the order to which it was applied.

The promotion model has the following attributes:

  • code: A unique code to identify the promotion. Made available to a user for using a promotion.
  • name: A kind of label to identify the promotion with.
  • starts_at: The time at which the promotion will start.
  • expires_at: The time at which the promotion will end.
  • usage_limit: This is used to set the number of times this code can be used through out it’s life for all the users.
  • current_usage_count: Tracks the number of times the promotion has been used.
  • match_policy: The policy used while checking for rules of an action, an all policy means all the rules should be satisfied whereas an any policy would require any one of them to be satisfied.
  • active?: Used to mark the promotion active or inactive.
  • archived_at: This is used to check if a promotion is archived. An archived promotion means it is no longer active and is present only for the record.


  • has many rules: A set of rules for the promotion to be checked before applying the promotion.
  • has many actions: A set of actions to be applied if all the rules are satisfied for the promotion.

Important modules:

Snitch.Data.Model.Promotion: Exposes CRUD for promotions alongwith other APIs. Snitch.Data.Schema.Promotion: Schema for promotion.


Promotion comes with usual CRUD operations. However, if a promotion is ongoing or archived it cannot be updated. Also, a promotion which has orders associated with it can not be deleted as they hold historical data for the adjustments made. These promotions can be archived though.

Eligibility Checks

A series of checks are used to assess if the promotion can be applied to the supplied order. These checks are further sub-divided into promotion level checks and order level checks.

Promotion Applicability Checks

These are the first level of checks which happen at the promotion level. They are:

  • valid_coupon_check: checks if the supplied coupon code is valid.
  • promotion_active: checks if the promotion is active.
  • promotion_actions_exist: checks if actions exist for the promotion.
  • starts_at_check: checks if the promotion has started.
  • expires_at_check: checks if the promotion is not expired.
  • usage_limit_check: Checks for usage_limit for the promotion. The store can set a specific number of times the promotion can be used. In case it is not set then usage_limit is assumed to be infinite.

These checks are applied in the sequence shown above.

Concerned Module:


Order Level Checks

Once the promotion level checks pass, the next set of checks which are directly associated with the order and line_items are assessed.

The different checks are:

  • promotion_applied: Checks if the promotion is already applied to the order.

  • valid_order_state: A promotion can be applied to order in only certain order states, they are evaluated at this stage.

  • order_promotionable: An order is considered promotionable if it contains at least one promotionable product as line item. If no promotionable products are found the order is ineligible for promotion.

  • rules_check: Checks the order against the rules defined for the promotion as per the match policy defined for the promotion. See rules

    The checks follow the sequence mentioned above.

Concerned Module



Promotion rules are checks that can be set for a promotion. The rules can be combined in unique ways to create sophisticated promotions.

The supplied order is assessed against the rules to see if, they are fulfilled by the order as per the match policy for the promotion.

The match policies present are:

  • all: All the rules of the promotion should be satisfied by the order.
  • any: Any one of the rules should be satisfied by the order.

Promotion rules added at present:

The promotion rule is a generic model which has the following attributes: Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule

  • name: Name of the rule.
  • module: Module which handles the logic for the rule.
  • preferences: A map which stores the data required for handling logic related to the rule.

To register a new rule see Register New Rule section.


Actions are applied to an order for a promotion if all the eligibility checks pass. An action of type free shipping will remove the shipping cost for the order whereas a discount action will provide some adjustment on the total order price. An action can be on the entire order or individual line items depending on the type of action. The actions create adjustments for the order to keep a track of the discount offered due to that particular action.

AviaCommerce has the following promotion actions:

  • Order Action: When order action is applied, an adjustment is calculated based on the rules set by the action. It makes use of the calculators to calculate the amount to be adjusted. Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction.OrderAction

  • Line Item Action: It creates adjustments for individual line items for an order. It checks if the line item is actionable using the line_item_actionable? function in Snitch.Data.Model.Promotion. It makes use of the calculators to calculate the amount to be adjusted. Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction.OrderAction

The promotion action is a generic model which has the following attributes: Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule

  • name: Name of the action.
  • module: Module which handles the logic for the action.
  • preferences: A map which stores the data required for handling logic related to the action.

To register a new action see Register New Action section.

Promotion Adjustments

When the actions of a promotion are applied to the order, adjustments are created, see Adjustments. But, adjustments are polymorphic and, they are associated with promotions using a middle table “snitchpromotionadjustments”. It is handled by the module Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAdjustment

The promotion adjustments has the following attributes:

  • belongs_to order: order for which adjustment happened.
  • belongs_to promotion: promotion for which the adjustment was created.
  • belongs_to promotion_action: action which led to the adjustment.
  • belongs_to adjustment: reference to the adjustment created.

The above fields together hold all the data with respect to an adjustment created due to an action. It allows to retrieve all the data related to adjustments of an order due to a promotion.

Register New Rule

New promotion rules can be added to Aviacommerce by following the below mentioned steps.

  • All the promotion rules need to adopt the Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule behaviour by using the syntax.

    use Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule
  • You need to define an embedded schema to store the data that would be required by the rule

  • You also need to add a changeset function which would perform validations for the data that would be stored.

    def changeset(%NewRule{}, params) do
      # logic for validations
  • Adopting the PromotionRule behaviour requires you to implement the following functions:

    • rule_name: Should return the rule name in the string form.

      def rule_name do
    • eligible: Takes as input order and the rule_data. The rule_data field contains the fields you specified in the map with string keys.

      %{"field_1" => data, "field_2" => data}
      def eligible(order, rule_data) do
      # logic to check for eligibility
    • line_item_actionable?: This function is optional and should be implemented if it has some logic related to line items. e.g. See Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.Product

      def line_item_actionable? do
      # Add logic here.

The completed module would look something like this

  defmodule Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.NewRule do
    use Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule


    def changeset(%NewRule{}, params) do
      # logic for validations

    def rule_name do

    def eligible(order, rule_data) do
      # logic to check for eligibility

    def line_item_actionable? do
      # Add logic here.

Once this is done you need to add the register the module so that it is available on the list of rules. This is done by adding the module to PromotionRuleEnum in promotion_enum.ex. e.g.

  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.OrderTotal": 0,
  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.Product": 1,
  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.NewRule": 2,

The next step is to add a template for the UI. In the admin_app in apps/adminapp/lib/adminapp/promotion/rule_context.ex, add a new function which pattern matches on the module name you added for the rule. The function should return a map as shown below.

  def rule_preferences(Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.NewRule, params) do
    %{name: module_name, rule_data: [%{key: field_1, value: field_1.value,
      type: "input"}, %{key: field_2, value: field2.value, type: "input"}]}

The map returned contains the name of the module implementing the rule. Each data field described in the schema for this rule is returned as a map

  %{key: field_2, value: field2.value, type: "input",
    source: "API endpoint or list of items"}

where key refers to the field name, value and type refers to the way this would be shown in the frontend.

The type key depends on the type of the field. The type can be:

  • “input”
  • “select”
  • “multi-select”
  • “radio” In case of a type such as “select”, “multi-select” additional data can be sent under the source field, it can be API which can be used to fetch the data or it can be a list which itself can be used to set data for the field.

Register New Action

New promotion actions can be added to Aviacommerce by following the below mentioned steps.

  • All the promotion actions need to adopt the Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction behaviour by using the syntax.

    @behaviour Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction
  • You need to define an embedded schema to store the data that would be required by the action

  • You also need to add a changeset function which would perform validations for the data that would be stored.

    def changeset(%NewAction{}, params) do
      # logic for validations
  • Adopting the PromotionRule behaviour requires you to implement following functions:

    • action_name: Should return the action name in the string form.

      def action_name do
    • perform?: The function takes as input the order and the actiondata. The `actiondata` field contains the fields you specified in map with string keys.

      %{"field_1" => data, "field_2" => data}

      It returns a boolean to show whether the action was performed or not.

      def perform?(order, action_data) do
      # logic to perform the action and create adjustments.

The completed module would look something like this

  defmodule Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.NewAction do
    @behaviour Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction


    def changeset(%NewRule{}, params) do
      # logic for validations

    def action_name do

    def perform?(order, action_data) do
      # logic to perform the action and create adjustments.

Once this is done you need to add the register the module so that it is available on the list of rules. This is done by adding the module to PromotionRuleEnum in promotion_enum.ex. e.g.

  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction.OrderAction": 0,
  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction.LineItemAction": 1,
  "Elixir.Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionAction.NewAction": 2,

The next step is to add a template for the UI. In the admin_app in apps/adminapp/lib/adminapp/promotion/action_context.ex, add a new function which pattern matches on the module name you added for the action. The function should return a map as shown below.

  def action_preferences(Snitch.Data.Schema.PromotionRule.NewAction, params) do
    %{name: module_name, action_data: [%{key: field_1, value: field_1.value,
      type: "input"}, %{key: field_2, value: field2.value, type: "input"}]}

The map returned contains the name of the module implementing the action. Each data field described in the schema for this action is returned as a map.

  %{key: field_2, value: field2.value, type: "input",
    source: "api_endpoint or list of items"}

See Register new Rule for more info about the fields of the map.