Releasing AviaCommerce

August 01, 2018 by Ashish Singh

Releasing Aviacommerce

We are very excited to release AviaCommerce an open source e-commerce platform. We started working on aviacommerce with an aim of unifying the e-commerce ecosystem. After 9 months of hard work, it is finally out.

We are releasing the E-Commerce framework as open source in a hope that the whole community can benefit from it. One of the drivers behind starting work on aviacommerce was our dissatisfaction with the existing open source platforms. Some for the lack of use of modern technology and some for the lack of support. Having said that, the solutions out there are good and aviabird as a software consulting firm has used them extensively in the past for its clients providing e-commerce solutions. Over time we realised many pain points using various existing solutions. We have been talking internally for a long time before we decided to start our development on aviacommerce. Having worked with existing ecommerce solutions gave us the opportunity to explore them and the necessary domain knowledge to start working on aviacommerce.

We have open sourced our core e-commerce framework codenamed snitch.

This includes the following features:-

  • Fully functional storefront with advanced SEO support
  • Product catalogue management
  • Order management with dynamically configurable order states
  • Payment integration with payubiz and cash on delivery support
  • Support for zones and shipping categories

We are excited to share that we have worked very closely with betharki and ofypets while working on aviacommerce. We have launched these 2 online stores on aviacommerce framework. Go check them out and share your feedback with us.

We’d like to thank all the developers who have worked super hard to get to where we are today. They have made it possible. We’d also like to thank our clients betharki and ofypets who have helped us figure out so many things along the way with their business understanding.


Ashish Singh